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Nodejs interface to Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox in C++.

Link to the homepage: Teos-10.org

This library includes all modules:

  • TeosBase
  • TeosIce
  • TeosSea


  • Node: 12
  • cmake
  • gcc
  • python (2 or 3)

Unfortunatly this library is only compatable with Node versions up to 12. It may build on later versions but tested working on node 12.

Currently this has only been tested on linux Ubuntu 20.


Install with

$ npm i gsw-node # or
$ yarn add gsw-node

If you clone this repo you can install using:

$ yarn

Then test with:

$ yarn test


Avaliable functions are generated and avaliable in: lib-types.d.ts

The use of gsw_z_from_p is shown in the below example, this is an example from https://www.teos-10.org/pubs/gsw/html/gsw_z_from_p.html

Note if you see the definition of gsw_z_from_p in the source code you will notice that there are two optional arguments, in the bindings of this function these defaults do not transfer over, in the following typescript code you can see that these defaults need to be added .

double gsw_z_from_p(double p, double lat, double geo_strf_dyn_height=0.0,
                                  double sea_surface_geopotential=0.0);
import { TeosBase } from 'gsw-node'

const teosBase = new TeosBase()
const p = 10
const lat = 4
const expectedResult = -0.099445834469453 * 1.0e+002
const result = teosBase.gsw_z_from_p(p, lat, 0, 0)


This is a copy of the source code from Teos-10, downloadable from https://www.teos-10.org/software.htm

This has been converted from use with codeblocks build chain to use cmake, which may be of use to others. You can build this with the following steps


$ cd TeosCpp && mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Run very very basic the example code using:


Other notes

It seems that some of the functions are missing or not complete in the Cpp source code, these are listed below.


method(gsw_CT_freezing); Not implemented fully in source
method(gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2); Seems to be an error in code, looks like the capitals are different in c++ code. 
method(gsw_internal_energy_second_derivatives); Not implemented in source
method(gsw_rho_second_derivatives_wrt_enthalpy_CT_exact); Not implemented in source
method(gsw_SA_freezing_from_CT_poly); Not implemented in source, only in header definition.
method(gsw_SSO); Dosent seem to be implemented in c++ code


method(gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height); # Currently contains errors TODO: Look into @zacpullen


method(gsw_t_freezing_poly); // There are two definitions here, this is not compatable with nbind binding. If you need this you can change the funcitons to have different names in the source code. 
method(gsw_t_freezing_poly); // See above

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